Saturday, November 18, 2006


Are You Doing All You Can for Your Business?

Internet advertising has mushroomed into a billion-dollar industry, and this means great things for scrappy small-business owners. The rise of new Internet advertising tools and technologies make it possible for small businesses and entrepreneurs to be front and center with potential new customers surfing the Web—without committing to large-scale marketing campaigns. The popularity of local search is also paving the way for small businesses to grow their local customer base—increasing both awareness and the bottom line.

All of this means great things for small businesses, but what else can companies do to increase their growth without expending a lot of capital?
1. Leverage existing assets. Most new businesses and smaller establishments don't have money to burn on mass-marketing campaigns or flashy Web pages. New technologies, like "Pay-Per-Call," help increase a company's presence and utilize the one tool they already have—the phone.

2. Pay for ads that actually deliver. Today's newest online ad systems allow businesses to only pay for an ad after it delivers a solid lead. This helps keep advertising costs low, while maximizing the amount of exposure online.

3. Utilize the Internet to connect live. Consumers are searching online all the time, but sometimes they actually need to speak with someone before they buy. New online advertising methods that put businesses in touch with a live potential customer are becoming more and more popular.

There are many new Internet advertising methods that small businesses can utilize to generate interest and create exposure to their target audience, regardless of how large or small their marketing budget is.

Marc Barach
Chief Marketing OfficerIngenio Inc.

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